Two Dollar Horde
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Application Hunter ( Name: Heiho)

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Application Hunter ( Name: Heiho) Empty Application Hunter ( Name: Heiho)

Post  Heiho Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:27 pm


1. World of Warcraft Name: Heiho

2. Preferred Spec: 2/31/18
(are you willing to respec?)
The guild is top for me, if Two dollar horde want taht i respec i will do it fastly. If the need a healer I will pass for the Raid so that u can keep the contest up.

3. Race/Class
Nightelf Hunter
4. Do you have KlthhreatMeter, BigWigs (or equivalent), and Raidcall installed? (Yes/No) If No you will need to install them.
I have Raidcall, Mumble and TS3 installed.
Also have the addons for the Raids which allows me to not slacking.

5. Do you have a microphone and the ability to be use it?
I have a micro and i know how to speak in a different languages to others.

6. How old are you IRL: 17

7. Are you primarily a PvP or PvE player?
I was primarily a PvP player but for every player comes the time where he want a change and this time happened some weeks ago. Now im full PvE oriented.

8. What is your current or previous guild, and what are your reasons for leaving?
I have no guild at the moment because some accidents happened in last guild and now im guildless.
My previous guild was Praeda. I left them some days befor because there were slacking and in my openion there will come a disband.

9. What are your reasons for wanting to join Two Dollar Horde? How did you hear about us?
In summer I was in Two dollar horde but i had to take a break because i was 1 month in Germany to did some School/Work stuff thats the reason why I want back

10. Do you know anyone in Two Dollar Horde? If so, list them here.
I dont know if they know me currently. I wasnt in the guild for a long time because i had the break which i told befor.
When one should know me must this guy be Deathbringer. Every time i made Bg's with him and it was funny at all.

11. What is your raiding experience in vanilla content? List your class(es) and specific progress. This can include other private servers as well as retail.
BWL as Pala. On this server cleared with hunter
MC as Pala. On this server cleared with hunter
AQ40 4/8 as Pala. On this server 2/8 with hunter
Ony as Pala. On this server cleared with hunter

12. Currently we raid 40 mans on Sun/Wed/Thurs and 20 mans on Tuesday at 19:30 server time, invites going out at around 19:15 ST. Raids are posted in GMOTD. How many of these raids would you regularly be able to attend?
Sunday, Thursday and Tuesday 100%.
On Wednesday they will be a problem because I have some sport activites on this day.

13. Any other comments or backstory you feel is relevant?
Well my name is Nicolas and i am from Italy. My mother tongues are Italien and German and my nativ language is English.

14. Post a Screenshot of your UI.
I also have on the second bar some abilities im fast to change to second bar with Shift+ Mousewheel up/down.

15. List your gear. Screenshots/short videos are encouraged.
Cloak: +3agi
Chest: +4 stats
Wrist: +7int
Gloves: +7 agi
Boots: +7agi
Weapon Mainhand: +25agi
Bow: +3%hit
For Tranqq shot on bosses im still farming, atm i only reach 13% hit with my hit gear.
I reach 130Natur Resi unbuffed for Aq40.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-10-07

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