Two Dollar Horde
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[accepted] Titanigor - Holy Priest

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[accepted] Titanigor - Holy Priest Empty [accepted] Titanigor - Holy Priest

Post  Titanigor Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:08 pm

1. World of Warcraft Name: Titanigor

2. Preferred Spec: Holy / Disc [21/30/0]
(are you willing to respec?) If its needed.

3. Race: Human

4. Class: Priest

5. Do you have KlthhreatMeter, BigWigs (or equivalent), and Raidcall installed? (Yes/No): Yes

6. Do you have a microphone and the ability to be use it?

Yes, I got mic & I can use it without any worries.

7. How old are you IRL: 17

8. Are you primarily a PvP or PvE player?

I love doing both but I prefer PvE more.

9. What is your current or previous guild, and what are your reasons for leaving?

My old Horde guild <paskaa kahvia> got disbanded several months ago because of people going inactive right
after downing Ragnaros. Nowadays I've been jumping around random Alliance raiding guilds which I left after
noticing that 1.Most people are clueless about the game & their class or 2.Guilds loot system is horrible.

10. What are your reasons for wanting to join Two Dollar Horde? How did you hear about us?

The reasons I want to join Two Horde Dollar is that its awesome raid guild & it got several familiar faces I used to raid with

Heard about the guild from few old school Feenix fellas.

11. Do you know anyone in Two Dollar Horde? If so, list them here.

Babbo, Soge, Franked & Sadisticus

12. What is your raiding experience in vanilla content? List your class(es) and specific progress. This can include other private servers as well as retail.

ZG, MC, AQ20 & Onyxia.

13. Currently we raid 40 mans on Sun/Thurs and 20 mans on Wed at 19:30 server time, invites going out at around 19:15 ST. Raids are posted in GMOTD. How many of these raids would you regularly be able to attend?

I can attend on every raid without any problems.

14. Any other comments or backstory you feel is relevant?

Got nothing special to say really. Just gonna link my gear & proffs.

Head: Cassandra's Grace
Neck: Amulet of the Redeemed
Shoulder: Mantle of Lost Hope
Cape: Cloak of the Cosmos
Chest: Robes of Insight + 100hp
Wrist: T1 + 9 spirit
Hands: Hands of the Exalted Herald
Waist: T1
Legs: Padre's Trousers
Feet: Devout Sandals + 5 spirit
Ring 1: Band of Mending
Ring 2: Emerald Flame Ring
Trinket 1: Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
Trinket 2: Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon
Weapon: Redemption + 9 spirit
Wand: Green 5 int & 6 spirit wand

300 Enchanting & 300 Tailoring. There ya go.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-06-15

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